Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Halfway Homemade: Frozen Yogurt Drops

Today I decided to try something I saw on Pinterest recently. It is very simple and very delicious! You can pick any flavor you want of yogurt just don't get anything that has chunks of fruit in it!

Here's what you need!

Some yogurt and a ziploc bag and...
a plate covered in tinfoil!

That's it! Yogurt, Ziploc, Tinfoil covered plate!

 (OK so you're gonna need a spoon to scoop yogurt in the Ziploc and scissors to cut a small hole in the bag too)

Just spoon some Yogurt in to the Ziploc...I didn't measure I just spooned some in and I wound up with to much. I would only use about half of what you see in the picture below.
Then I squeezed it all in to that corner and twisted the bag up.
Then cut that little tip off at the end and get to droppin!

 Mine aren't the prettiest in the world but I don't mind! Once you've dropped all you can drop...or you run out of room like I did, ( I wound up squirting the rest of the Yogurt in my mouth if we're being honest!) put your plate in the freezer.
Ignore my rolls and bag of ice...our freezer is home to many delicious things and sometimes it's hard to find room! I waited about 2 hours to go back and check on mine because well, quite frankly, I forgot they were in there. I pulled them out when I remembered and tasted them and BOY ARE THEY YUMMY!
I kept mine on the plate in the freezer until they were all gone...It didn't take very long for them to disappear so I don't really know how long they would keep . Either way, they are a good snack for summer. If you try this out, let me know how it turns out and what flavor you used!

Hope you enjoy reading about the Things I'm Learning From Life!

1 comment:

  1. Ok. Getting some flavors today. Thinking my son will love this!!
